cebok /cébok/

Verba (v)

  1. bercebok
n: cibuk; v: bercebok
v: bercebok; menceboki
  • ebsoft: wash the genitals or anus with water after defecating or urinating.
  • gkamus: wash the genitals or anus with water after defecating or urinating.
ce·bok /cébok/ v, ber·ce·bok v 1 membersihkan (membasuh) dubur sesudah buang air besar; 2 membersihkan (membasuh) kemaluan dr kotoran (air kencing dsb);

men·ce·boki v membersihkan dubur atau kemaluan orang lain (anak-anak dsb) dr kotoran (msl kotoran sesudah buang air besar atau sesudah kencing)
cebik ~ cebikas ~ cebil ~ cebir ~ cebis ~ cebok ~ cebol ~ cebong ~ cebur ~ cecah ~ cecairan