Bahasa Indonesia | Bahasa Asing | Kata kunci | Bidang | Sumber | |
1. | analisis deduktif | deductive analysis | analisis; deduktif | Antropologi | Pusba |
2. | argumen deduktif | deductive argument | argumen; deduktif | Matematika | Pusba |
3. | berpikir deduktif; pikiran deduktif | deductive thinking | berpikir; deduktif; pikiran | Pendidikan | Pusba |
4. | deduktif | deductive | deduktif | Arkeologi | Pusba |
5. | deduktif nomologis | deductive-nomological | deduktif; nomologis | Antropologi | Pusba |
6. | hipotesis deduktif | deductive hypothesis | deduktif; hipotesis | Pendidikan | Pusba |
7. | hujah deduktif | hujah deduktif | deduktif; hujah | Filsafat | Pusba |
8. | inferensi deduktif | deductive inference | deduktif; inferensi | Pendidikan | Pusba |
9. | logika deduktif | deductive logic | deduktif; logika | Pendidikan | Pusba |
10. | metode deduktif tentang pengujian | deductive method of testing | deduktif; metode; pengujian; tentang | Filsafat | Pusba |
11. | model hipotetiko deduktif | hyphothetico-deductive model | deduktif; hipotetiko; model | Filsafat | Pusba |
12. | penalaran deduktif | deductive reasoning | deduktif; penalaran | Pendidikan | Pusba |
13. | penalaran hipotetis-deduktif | hypothetico-deductive reasoning | deduktif; hipotetis; penalaran | Pendidikan | Pusba |
14. | pendekatan deduktif-induktif; ancangan deduktif-induktif | deductive-inductive approach | ancangan; deduktif; induktif; pendekatan | Pendidikan | Pusba |
15. | pendekatan deduktif-nomotetik | deductive-nomothetic approach | deduktif; nomotetik; pendekatan | Arkeologi | Pusba |
16. | pendekatan deduktif; ancangan deduktif | deductive approach | ancangan; deduktif; pendekatan | Pendidikan | Pusba |
17. | pendekatan hipotetik-deduktif | hypothetic-deductive approach | deduktif; hipotetik; pendekatan | Arkeologi | Pusba |
18. | pengujian teori secara deduktif | deductive testing of theories | deduktif; pengujian; secara; teori | Filsafat | Pusba |
19. | penjelasan deduktif nomologis | deductive | deduktif; nomologis; penjelasan | Filsafat | Pusba |
20. | pernalaran hipotetis-deduktif | hypothetical-deductive reasoning | deduktif; hipotetis; pernalaran | Pendidikan | Pusba |