honorer /honorér/

Adjektiva (adj)

  1. bersifat sebagai kehormatan: anggota -- , wasit --
  2. bersifat menerima honorarium (bukan gaji tetap): guru -- , pegawai --
  • ebsoft: 1 honorary. 2 not officially confirmed (in o.'s job) and so paid by stipends not salary.
  • gkamus: 1 honorary. 2 not officially confirmed (in o.'s job) and so paid by stipends not salary.
ho·no·rer /honorér/ a 1 bersifat sbg kehormatan: anggota -- , wasit --; 2 bersifat menerima honorarium (bukan gaji tetap): guru -- , pegawai --
honae ~ honcoe ~ honji ~ honor ~ honorarium ~ honorer ~ honorifik ~ hop ~ hopagen ~ hopbiro ~ hopkantor