
Adjektiva (adj)

  1. lunak dan hancur (tentang bagian daging kelapa)
  2. rusak karena bagian-bagiannya bercampur (tentang telur)
  3. (ki) bingung: kepalaku --

Nomina (n)

  1. kelapa yang dagingnya lunak dan hancur: es --
adj: bingung
Gabungan kata
n: kelapa kopyor
  • ebsoft: a coconut that has developed differently from the others in the bunch and has soft flesh blended with the juice and is esp. tasty and highly prized for snacks.
  • gkamus: a coconut that has developed differently from the others in the bunch and has soft flesh blended with the juice and is esp. tasty and highly prized for snacks.
kop·yor 1 a lunak dan hancur (tt bagian daging kelapa); 2 n kelapa yg dagingnya lunak dan hancur: es --; 3 a rusak krn bagian-bagiannya bercampur (tt telur); 4 a ki bingung: kepalaku --
koprolit ~ kopula ~ kopulasi ~ kopulatif ~ kopyok ~ kopyor ~ kor ~ koral ~ koral keras ~ koral lunak ~ koralit