Kependekan |
Bahasa Indonesia |
Bahasa Inggris/Asing |
Tag |
Catatan |
1951. |
peraturan disiplin tentara |
army discipline regulations |
1952. |
pakaian dinas upacara |
dress uniform {military} |
1953. |
pakaian dinas upacara besar |
full dress uniform {military} |
1954. |
pecun |
perek culun |
young slut/whore |
1955. |
pede |
1. percaya diri; 2. pendidikan jasmani {ejaan lama (old spelling): |
1. selfconfident; 2. physical education (phys. ed., P.E.) |
1956. |
Pefindo (PT) |
PT (Persero) Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia |
State (Bond) Rating Agency |
1957. |
Pekuper |
Pelaksana Kuasa Perang |
War Administrator |
1958. |
pelaju |
petik, olah dan jual |
pick, process and sell |
1959. |
pelatnas |
pemusatan latihan nasional |
1960. |
pelda |
pembantu letnan dua |
1961. |
Pelindo (PT) |
PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia |
State Seaport Managing Company {ports in West Java?} |
1962. |
Pelita |
1. Pembangunan Lima Tahun; 2. pelajar, industri, dan pariwisata |
1. FiveYear Development Program {see: “Repelita”}; 2. students, industry, and tourism |
1963. |
Pelnas |
Pelarayan Niaga Swasta |
Private Commercial Shipping Company |
1964. |
Pelni |
Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia |
Indonesian National Shipping Company |
1965. |
Pelti |
Persatuan Lawn Tenis Indonesia |
Indonesian Lawn Tennis Association |
1966. |
peltu |
pembantu letnan satu |
1967. |
Pembesrev |
Pemimpin Besar Revolusi |
Great Leader of the Revolution {a title conferred on President Soekarno} |
1968. |
Pemda |
Pemerintah Daerah |
Regional/Provincial Government |
1969. |
pemilu |
pemilihan umum |
general election |
1970. |
pemred |
pemimpin redaksi |
chief editor |
1971. |
International Association of Poets, Playwrights, Editors, and Novelists |
1972. |
Penad |
Penerangan Angkatan Darat |
Army Information Office |
1973. |
Penal |
Penerangan Angkatan Laut |
Naval Information Office |
1974. |
Penau |
Penerangan Angkatan Udara |
Air Force Information Office |
1975. |
Penggolekmah |
Pengusaha golongan ekonomi lemah |
entrepreneurs from the economically weak group |
1976. |
penjas |
pendidikan jasmani |
physical education (phys. ed., P.E.) |
1977. |
penmas |
1. pendidikan masyarakat; 2. penerangan masyarakat |
1. community education; 2. community information |
1978. |
Penmot |
Penerangan dan Motivasi |
Information and Motivation |
1979. |
Penpres |
Penetapan Presiden |
Presidential Decree |
1980. |
pentab |
pendahuluan tahun ajaran baru |
beginning of the new academic year |
1981. |
Pepabri |
Persatuan Purnawirawan Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia |
Indonesian Armed Forces Veterans Association |
1982. |
Peradah |
Perhimpunan Pemuda Hindu Indonesia |
Association of Hindu Youths |
agama |
1983. |
Peradin |
Persatuan Advokat Indonesia |
Association of Indonesian Advocates/Lawyers |
1984. |
Perbakin |
Persatuan Penembak Indonesia |
Indonesian Target Shooting and Hunting Association |
1985. |
Perbanas |
Perhimpunan Bank Nasional Swasta |
Association of Private Domestic Banks {established 25 May 1952} |
1986. |
Perbasasi |
Persatuan Baseball dan Softball Seluruh Indonesia |
Indonesian Baseball and Softball Association |
1987. |
Perbasi |
Persatuan Basketball Seluruh Indonesia |
Indonesian Basketball Association |
1988. |
Perbiki |
Persatuan Bioskop Keliling Indonesia |
1989. |
Percasi |
Persatuan Catur Seluruh Indonesia |
Indonesian Chess Association |
1990. |
percasis |
perkenalan calon siswa |
(student) initiation |
1991. |
perda |
peraturan daerah |
regional (government) regulation |
1992. |
perek |
perempuan eksperimen |
1993. |
Perfini |
Persatuan Film Nasional Indonesia |
1994. |
Perhapi |
Perhimpunan Ahli Pertambangan Indonesia |
Association of Indonesian Mining Professionals |
1995. |
Perhepi |
Perhimpunan Ekonomi Pertanian Indonesia |
Association of Agriculture Experts |
1996. |
Perhutani |
Perusahaan Hutan Negara Indonesia |
1997. |
perjan |
perusahaan jawatan |
State Public Service Company |
1998. |
perjuta |
perjuangan bersenjata |
armed struggle |
1999. |
Perkemi |
Persatuan Kempo Indonesia |
Indonesian Kempo Association |
2000. |
Permata |
Pertemuan Melalui Telepon Anda |
conference call {a telephone service} |