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Operator: Kependekan: Bahasa Indonesia: Bahasa Inggris/Asing: Tag:

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  Kependekan Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Inggris/Asing Tag Catatan
2051. PGN (PT) PT (Persero) Perusahaan Gas Negara State Gas Company perusahaan
2052. PGPS peraturan gaji pokok pegawai negeri sipil regulations of basic wage of civil servants
2053. PGRI Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia Indonesian Teachers Union
2054. PGSD pendidikan guru sekolah dasar primary/elementary school teacher education
2055. PGSI Persatuan Gulat Seluruh Indonesia Indonesian Wrestling Association
2056. PGSLA pendidikan guru sekolah lanjutan atas education of senior high school teachers
2057. PGSLP pendidikan guru sekolah lanjutan pertama education of junior high school teachers
2058. PGSMTA pendidikan guru sekolah menengah tingkat atas education of senior high school teachers
2059. PGSMTP pendidikan guru sekolah menengah tingkat pertama education of junior high school teachers
2060. PGT pasukan gerak cepat rapiddeployment troops
2061. PH Akta Pengakuan Hutang Acknowledgement of Indebtedness {Note: *hutang = utang}
2062. Ph.D. philosophiae doctor {Doctor of Philosophy}
2063. PHDI Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia Indonesian Hindu Religious Council agama
2064. PHI Panitia Haji Indonesia Indonesian Hajj Committee
2065. Philindo PhilippinesIndonesia
2066. PHK pemutusan hubungan kerja retrenchment, layoff
2067. PHPA Perlindungan Hutan dan Pelestarian Alam Forest Protection and Natural Conservation
2068. PHRI Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association
2069. PHSI Persatuan Hoki Seluruh Indonesia Indonesian Hockey Association
2070. PIB Partai Indonesia Baru New Indonesia Party
2071. PID Politiek Inlichtingendienst {Political Information Service, in Dutch colonial times}
2072. pidsus pidana khusus special crimes
2073. pidum pidana umum common crimes
2074. PIFA PortugalIndonesia Friendship Association
2075. PII 1. Pelajar Islam Indonesia; 2. Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia 1. Indonesian Islamic Students; 2. Indonesian Engineers Association
2076. PIJAR Pusat Informasi Jaringan Aksi untuk Reformasi Indonesia Center of Information and Action Network for Reform {an NGO}
2077. PIK perkampungan industri kecil smallscale industry estate
2078. PIKI Persatuan Intelegensi Kristen Indonesia Association of Christian Intelligentsia
2079. pil pria idaman lain boyfriend, lover {of a married woman}
2080. PILAR Partai Pilihan Rakyat People
2081. Pilkades pemilihan kepala desa election of village head
2082. pimpro pemimpinan proyek project manager
2083. PIN 1. Pekan Imunisasi Nasional; 2. Pusat Informasi Nasional; 3. 1. National Immunization Week; 2. National Information Center; 3. personal identification number
2084. Pindad Perindustriaan Angkatan Darat Army Industrial Affairs Center {army weapons manufacturing}
2085. pinlak pemimpin pelaksana managing director
2086. Pipli Pusat Informasi dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia
2087. PIPM Pusat Informasi Pasar Modal {3 stock market outlets established by JSX or capital market information centers}
2088. PIPWS Proyek Industri Pengembangan Wilayah Sungai
2089. PIR Perkebunan Inti Rakyat People
2090. pisgor pisang goreng fried banana makanan
2091. PJK penyakit jantung koroner heart attack
2092. PJKA Perusahaan Jawatan Kereta Api State Railway Company { former name; now:
2093. PJR Patroli Jalan Raya Highway Patrol
2094. Pjs. Pejabat sementara acting /provisional official {mis.
2095. PJSI Persatuan Judo Seluruh Indonesia Indonesian Judo Association
2096. pk paardekracht {horsepower}
2097. PK 1. perikatan kredit, perjanjian kredit; 2. Partai Keadilan 1. Credit Agreement, Loan Agreement; 2. Justice Party
2098. PKB 1. Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor; 2. perjanjian kerja bersama; Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa 1. Motor Vehicle Tax; 2. Agreement of Cooperation; 3. National Awakening Party
2099. PKBI Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia Indonesian Planned Parenthood Association
2100. PKG Pendidikan Kesehatan Gigi Dental Health Education