Kependekan |
Bahasa Indonesia |
Bahasa Inggris/Asing |
Tag |
Catatan |
2151. |
Percetakan Negara Republik Indonesia |
Indonesian State Printing Company |
2152. |
pegawai negeri sipil |
civil servant |
2153. |
Partai Nahdlatul Ulama |
Muslim Scholars Party |
2154. |
PO |
petunjuk operasional |
operational guidelines |
2155. |
PO Box |
Post Office Box |
2156. |
Persatuan Olahraga Biliar Seluruh Indonesia |
Indonesian Billiard Association |
2157. |
Persatuan Olahraga Dayung Seluruh Indonesia |
Indonesian Rowing Association |
2158. |
Perkumpulan Obstetri dan Ginekologi Indonesia |
Indonesian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology |
kedokteran |
2159. |
pokja |
kelompok kerja |
working group |
2160. |
Polantas |
Polisi Lalu Lintas |
Traffic Police |
2161. |
Polda |
Kepolisian Daerah |
Regional Police {has jurisdiction over a province; supervises |
2162. |
Polda Metro Jaya |
Kepolisian Daerah Metropolitan Jakarta Raya |
Greater Jakarta Regional Police |
2163. |
Polek |
Polisi Ekonomi |
Economy Police |
2164. |
Poleksosbudhankam |
politik, ekonomi, sosial, budaya, pertahanan dan keamanan |
Politics, Economics, Social, Cultural, Security and Defence |
2165. |
Poleksosbudmil |
politik, ekonomi, sosial, budaya, dan militer |
Politics, Economics, Social, Cultural, and Military |
2166. |
Polhankam |
politik, pertahanan dan keamanan |
Politics, Security and Defence |
2167. |
Polhutter |
Polisi Hutan Teritorial |
Territorial Forest Rangers |
2168. |
Polkam |
politik dan keamanan |
Politics and Defence |
2169. |
Polmas |
(Kabupaten) Polewali Mamasa |
Mamasa Regency {South Sulawesi} |
2170. |
Polpar |
Polisi Pariwisata |
Tourist Police {in tourist areas such as Yogyakarta, Bali, etc.} |
2171. |
Polres |
Kepolisian Resort |
Subregional Police {has jurisdiction over a |
2172. |
Polresta |
Kepolisian Resort Kota |
City Subregional Police |
2173. |
Polisi Republik Indonesia |
Indonesian National Police (INP) |
2174. |
Polsek |
Kepolisian Sektor |
Sector Police {has jurisdiction over a |
2175. |
Polsekta |
Kepolisian Sektor Kota |
City Sector Police, precinct |
2176. |
polstra |
politik strategi |
strategic politics |
2177. |
polstranas |
politik strategi nasional |
national strategic politics |
2178. |
polsus |
polisi khusus |
special police |
2179. |
Polsuska |
Polisi Khusus Kereta Api |
Special Railway Police |
2180. |
Polsustan |
Polisi Khusus Kehutanan |
Special Forest Rangers |
2181. |
Poltabes |
Kepolisian Kota Besar |
Large City Police {e.g., Semarang, Padang} |
2182. |
Poltas |
→ Polantas
2183. |
polwan |
polisi wanita |
policewoman, policewomen |
2184. |
Polwil |
Kepolisian Wilayah |
Territorial Police {one level above |
2185. |
Polwiltabes |
Kepolisian Wilayah Kota Besar |
Large City Territorial Police {only one (c. 2004) is for Semarang} |
2186. |
1. Persatuan Orangtua Murid {= POTM}; 2. pengawasan obat dan makanan |
1. ParentStudent Association; 2. control of drugs and food |
2187. |
Pomabri |
Polisi Militer Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia |
Armed Forces Military Police of the Republic of Indonesia |
2188. |
Pomad |
Polisi Militer Angkatan Darat |
Army Military Police |
2189. |
Pomal |
Polisi Militer Angkatan Laut |
Navy Military Police |
2190. |
Pomau |
Polisi Militer Angkatan Udara |
Air Force Military Police |
2191. |
Persatuan Orang Tua Murid dan Guru |
ParentTeacher Association |
2192. |
Pekan Olahraga Nasional |
National Sports Games |
2193. |
ponpes |
pondok pesantren |
Islamic boarding school |
2194. |
Poperi |
Perhimpunan Organisasi Pengacara Indonesia |
{Association of Indonesian Lawyers Organizations established by AAI and five lawyers |
2195. |
Popnas |
Pekan Olahraga Pelajar Nasional |
National Student Sports Games |
2196. |
Pekan Olahraga Pelajar Seluruh Indonesia |
AllIndonesia Student Sports Games |
2197. |
pekan olahraga |
sports games |
2198. |
Porda |
pekan olahraga daerah |
regional sports games |
2199. |
Pordasi |
Persatuan Olahraga Berkuda Seluruh Indonesia |
Indonesian Equestrian and Horse Racing Association |
2200. |
Porlasi |
Persatuan Olahraga Layar Seluruh Indonesia |
Indonesian Yachting Association |