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Operator: Kependekan: Bahasa Indonesia: Bahasa Inggris/Asing: Tag:

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  Kependekan Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Inggris/Asing Tag Catatan
2351. Purel public relations
2352. Purnantara Purnawirawan Antara someone who has retired from the Antara news agency
2353. purnatak purna + atak comprehensive layout
2354. Pus Pusat Center, Central
2355. Pusarpedal Pusat Sarana Pengendalian Dampak Lingkungan
2356. Pusba Pusat Bahasa, Depdiknas The Center for Languages, Ministry of National Education {formerly:
2357. Pusbadhi Pusat Bantuan dan Pengabdi Hukum Indonesia Indonesian Center of Legal Aid and Professionals
2358. Pusbintal pusat pembinaan mental mental development center
2359. Puscadnas Pusat Cadangan Nasional National Reserve Center
2360. Pusdalopbang Pusat Pengendalian Operasi Pembangunan Center for Control of Development Operations
2361. Pusdiklat pusat pendidikan dan pelatihan education and training center
2362. Pusdiklatpur Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Pertempuran Center for Combat Education and Training
2363. Pusdikmar Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Marinir Marines Education Center
2364. Pusdikpassus Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Pasukan Khusus Special Forces Education Center
2365. Pusdiksandiad Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Persandian Angkatan Darat Army Cryptography Education Center
2366. Pusdikzi Pusat Pendidikan Zeni militer
2367. Pusintel pusat intelijen intelligence center
2368. Pusjarah ABRI Pusat Sejarah ABRI ABRI History Center
2369. Puskesmas Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat Public Health Center
2370. Puskopau Pusat Koperasi Angkatan Udara Indonesian Air Force Cooperative
2371. Puskud Pusat Koperasi Unit Desa Village Unit Cooperative Center
2372. Puskur Pusat Kurikulum Curriculum Center
2373. Puslitbang Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Research and Development Center
2374. Puspen Pusat Penerangan Information Center
2375. Puspenmas Pusat Penerangan Masyarakat Public Information Center
2376. Puspitek Pusat Penelitian Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Science and Technology Research Center
2377. Pusri Pupuk Sriwijaya Sriwijaya Fertilizer
2378. pusroh pusat rohani spiritual center
2379. Pustekom Pusat Teknologi Komunikasi Communications Technology Center
2380. Pustu Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat Pembantu Auxiliary Public Health Center
2381. PV Personeel Verzorger/Verzorgster {Personal Affairs Assistant (approved by immigration officers to look after personal matters so that the person concerned need not appear before immigratin officers in person)}
2382. PVC polyvinyl chloride
2383. PWC Price Waterhouse Coopers
2384. PWI Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia Indonesian Journalists Association
2385. PWRI Persatuan Wredatama Republik Indonesia Indonesian Retirees Association
2386. PYM Paduka Yang Mulia His Excellency
2387. q.e. quod est {that is, meaning}
2388. q.q. qualitate qua {
2389. q.v. quod vide {see, refer to}
2390. QANTAS Queensland and Northern Territory Air Services
2391. QS Qur the Holy Koran
2392. R 1. R 1. Reaumur (temperature scale); 2. {title of Javanese nobility}
2393. R.A. 1. Raden Ajeng; 2. Rasul Allah 1. {title for unmarried Javanese female aristocrats}; 2. the Prophet Muhammad
2394. R.Ay. Raden Ayu {title for married Javanese female aristocrats}
2395. R.M. Raden Mas {Javanese title for male nobility}
2396. R.R. Raden Roro {Javanese title for an unmarried highstatus female}
2397. R/ recipe
2398. R/K rekening account (A/c)
2399. Racon radar beacon
2400. radar radio detecting and ranging