
Nomina (n)

  1. pohon yang getahnya beracun, Antiaris toxicatia
  2. upas, racun dari getah pohon ipuh
n: racun; upas; v: bisa
v: beripuh
  • ebsoft: 1 k.o. tree, the sap of which is used as poison for weapon tips. 2 the poison from this tree. 3 vicious (of person). ber-ipuh having this poison applied to it.
  • gkamus: 1 k.o. tree, the sap of which is used as poison for weapon tips. 2 the poison from this tree. 3 vicious (of person). ber-ipuh having this poison applied to it.
ipuh n 1 pohon yg getahnya beracun, Antiaris toxicatia; 2 upas, racun dr getah pohon ipuh;

ber·i·puh v beracun: anak panah ~
ipar ~ ipar besan ~ ipis ~ ipon ~ iprit ~ ipuh ~ ipuk ~ ipukan ~ ipung ~ iqamat ~ iqra