
Nomina (n)

  1. nenek
KBBI III Ragam cakapan
n: nenek; nyai
n: opa
  • ebsoft: 1 (coll.) term of address and reference for grandmother. 2 (Coll.) grandmother, term of reference and address in westernized families and in certain regions. 3 (in some regions only) great-aunt.
  • gkamus: 1 (coll.) term of address and reference for grandmother. 2 (Coll.) grandmother, term of reference and address in westernized families and in certain regions. 3 (in some regions only) great-aunt.
oma n cak nenek
olok-olokan ~ olong-olong ~ om ~ om Santi Santi Om ~ om swastiastu ~ oma ~ ombak ~ ombak menebah pantai ~ ombak pikiran ~ ombak selaba ~ ombang-ambing