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  Kependekan Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Inggris/Asing Tag Catatan
551. DPK dalam perhatian khusus under special attention
552. DPKEKU Dewan Pemantapan Ketahanan Ekonomi dan Keuangan Indonesian Economic and Finance Resilience Council
553. DPN Dewan Produktivitas Nasional; Dewan Pengurus Nasional National Productivity Council
554. DPO daftar pencarian orang wanted list (of people)
555. DPP Dewan Pimpinan Pusat
556. DPR Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat House of Representatives
557. DPR RI Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Republik Indonesia House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia
558. DPRD I Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah, Tingkat I House of Representatives of the Province of (...)
559. DPRD II Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah, Tingkat II House of Representatives of the Regency of (...) {nonurban}; House of Representatives of the Municipality of (...) {urban}
560. DPT dipthteria pertussis tetanus
561. dpt dapat {SMS abbrev:} can, able
562. DPU 1. Departemen Pekerjaan Umum; 2. Dinas Pekerjaan Umum 1. Ministry of Public Works; 2. (Regional) Office of Public Works
563. DR Dana Reboisasi Reforestation Fund
564. dr. dokter doctor (of medicine)
565. Dr. doktor doctor (of philosophy)
566. Dr. H.C. doktor honoris causa doctor honoris causa
567. Dr. Litt. doctor literarum
568. Dr. Phil. doctor philosophiae
569. Dr. Th. doctor theologiae
570. Dra. doktoranda {a degree title for women}
571. drg. dokter gigi Bachelor of Dentistry
572. drh. dokter hewan Bachelor of Veterinary Science
573. DRN Dewan Riset Nasional National Research Council
574. Drs. doktorandus {a degree title for men}
575. Ds Dominus Protestant clergyman
576. dsb. dan sebagainya et cetera
577. DSN Dewan Standardisasi Nasional National Standards Board
578. DSP daftar skala prioritas list of priorities, prioritised list
579. DSPP Daftar Susunan Personil dan Peralatan Personnel and Equipment List
580. dst. dan seterusnya et cetera, and so on
581. DTD Dinas Transfusi Darah Blood Transfusion Service
582. dtg datang {SMS abbrev:} come
583. DTK Dinas Tata Kota Town Planning Service
584. DTW daerah tujuan wisata tourist destination
585. Dubes duta besar ambassador
586. DUK daftar usulan kegiatan list of proposed activities
587. Dul Katruk gundul kayak Petruk bald like Petruk {a
588. DUP daftar usulan proyek list of proposed project
589. Dwikora dwikomando rakyat
590. e.g. exempli gratia
591. EAGA East ASEAN Growth Area {encompassing Indonesian provinces of North Sumatra and Aceh, the western parts of Malaysia, and Thailand's southern areas}
592. Eboni Eh, botak nih! {jocular:} Eh, bald yeah! humor
593. EBTA evaluasi belajar tahap akhir
594. Ebtanas evaluasi belajar tahap akhir nasional
595. ECAFE Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East
596. ECG electrocardiogram
597. ECONIT Advisory Group on Economic Industry and Trade
598. Ecosoc Economic and Social Council {part of United Nations}
599. ed. 1. editor; 2. edition
600. EEC European Economic Community