Kependekan |
Bahasa Indonesia |
Bahasa Inggris/Asing |
Tag |
Catatan |
1101. |
karo |
kepala biro |
head of bureau |
1102. |
karpeg |
kartu pegawai |
employee ID card |
1103. |
kasaker |
kepala satuan kerja |
head of work unit |
1104. |
kasat |
kepala satuan |
unit head |
1105. |
kasdam |
kepala staf daerah militer |
military area head of staff |
1106. |
kasgar |
kepala staf garnisun |
garrison head of staff |
1107. |
kasi |
kepala seksi |
section head |
1108. |
kasis |
kartu isteri |
wife card |
1109. |
Kassospol |
Kepala Staf Sosial/Politik |
Chief of the Social/Political Staff |
1110. |
kastaf |
kepala staf |
head of staff |
1111. |
kaster |
kepala staf teritorial |
head of territorial staff |
1112. |
kasub |
kepala sub |
head of sub(directorate/departemen/section, etc.) |
1113. |
kasubbag |
kepala subbagian |
head of subsection/department |
1114. |
kasum |
kepala staf umum |
head/chief of general staff |
1115. |
Katak |
kepala botak |
{jocular:} bald head {literally: |
humor |
1116. |
kateda |
kekuatan aliran tenaga dalam |
1117. |
katepe |
1118. |
katesu |
kekuatan aliran suci |
1119. |
kaur |
kepala urusan ... |
head of ... affairs |
1120. |
kawitel |
kantor wilayah telekomunikasi |
regional telecommunications office |
1121. |
KB |
1. keluarga berencana; 2. kantor besar |
1. family planning; 2. head office |
1122. |
Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia |
Standard Dictionary of Indonesian |
1123. |
kontrak bagi hasil |
profitsharing contract |
1124. |
1. Kawasan Barat Indonesia; 2. Kamus Bahasa Indonesia; 3. Kongres Bahasa Indonesia |
1. Eastern Region of Indonesia; 2. Indonesian Dictionary; 3. Indonesian Language Congress |
1125. |
kbr |
kabar |
{SMS abbrev:} news |
1126. |
Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia |
Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia |
1127. |
KC |
kantor cabang |
branch (office) |
1128. |
Keluarga Cendekiawan Budhis |
Indonesia Indonesian Buddhists Association |
1129. |
Kredit Cicilan Mobil Penumpang |
Passenger Vehicle Instalment Loan |
1130. |
Kredit Cicilan Sepeda Motor |
Motorcycle Installment Loan |
1131. |
Kliring Deposit Efek Indonesia |
Indonesian Securities Central Depository |
1132. |
Kepala Daerah Khusus Ibukota |
Head of Capital City Special Territory |
1133. |
ketentuan dan prosedur kerja |
work requirements and procedures |
1134. |
kec. |
kecamatan |
district {government administrative level below |
1135. |
kedubes |
kedutaan besar |
embassy |
1136. |
Kejakgung |
Kejaksaan Agung |
Attorney General |
1137. |
kejar |
kelompok belajar |
study group |
1138. |
kejari |
1. Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia; 2. kejaksaan negeri |
1. Attorney General |
1139. |
Kejati |
kejaksaan tinggi |
Office of Chief Public Prosecutor |
1140. |
kejurnas |
kejuaraan nasional |
national competition |
1141. |
Kekar Malindo |
Keris Kartika MalaysiaIndonesia |
{name of joint IndonesianMalaysian army maneuvers} |
1142. |
kel. |
1. keluarga; 2. kelurahaan |
1. family; 2. ward/subdistrict {government urban administrative level (equivalent to nonurban |
1143. |
Kelompencapir |
kelompok pendengar, pembaca, pemirsa {Siaraan Pedesaan RRI} |
listeners, readers, (TV) viewers {Rural Broadcasts from Radio Republic Indonesia} |
1144. |
Kelompensipedes |
kelompok pendengar siaran pedesaan |
rural broadcast listeners (group) |
1145. |
Kenop15 |
Kebijaksanaan 15 November |
15th November Policy {devaluation of the Indonesian Rupiah on 15 Nov. 1978} |
1146. |
kep. |
keputusan |
decision, decree, verdict, resolution, etc. |
1147. |
Keppres |
Keputusan Presiden |
Presidential Decree |
1148. |
kepsek |
kepala sekolah |
head (headmaster/headmistress) of school |
1149. |
kere |
kelompok remaja |
group of teenagers |
1150. |
kesbang |
kesatuan bangsa |
national unity |