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Operator: Kependekan: Bahasa Indonesia: Bahasa Inggris/Asing: Tag:

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  Kependekan Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Inggris/Asing Tag Catatan
1501. LUK laboratorium uji konstuksi construction testing laboratory
1502. LVRI Legiun Veteran Republik Indonesia Indonesian Veterans Legion
1503. LW long wave (radio)
1504. lwt lewat {SMS abbrev:} via, pass, past
1505. M 1. Masehi; 2. 1. Christian; 2. medium
1506. M.A. Master of Arts
1507. M.Ag. Magister Agama Master of Religion
1508. M.B.A. Master of Business Administration {See also
1509. M.D. medicinae doctor {medical doctor}
1510. M.Hum. Magister Humaniora Master of Humanities
1511. M.Kes. Magister Kesehatan Master of Health
1512. M.Kom. Magister Komunikasi Master of Communications
1513. M.M. Magister Manajemen Master of Management
1514. M.P. Magister Pertanian Master of Agriculture
1515. M.P.A. Master of Public Administration
1516. M.P.H. Master of Public Health
1517. M.Pd. Magister Pendidikan Master of Education
1518. M.Ph. Master of Philosophy
1519. M.Sc. Master of Science
1520. M.Si. Magister Sains Master of Science
1521. M.Sn. Magister Seni Master of Art
1522. M.T. Magister Teknik Master of Engineering
1523. MA 1. Mahkamah Agung; 2. madrasah aliyah; 3. mata anggaran 1. Supreme Court; 2. Muslim senior high school; 3. budget item
1524. ma sama {SMS abbrev:} same, with
1525. MAB 1. ; 2. Memayu Ayung Buwana 1. man and the biosphere programme; 2. (Javanese) to leave the world a better place, to make life worth living
1526. Mabak Markas Besar Kepolisian Police Headquarters
1527. Mabal Markas Besar TNI Angkatan Laut Indonesian Navy Headquarters
1528. Mabau Markas Besar TNI Angkatan Udara Indonesian Air Force Headquarters
1529. Mabbim Majelis Bahasa Brunei DarussalamIndonesiaMalaysia Brunei DarussalamIndonesiaMalaysia Language Council
1530. mabes markas besar headquarters
1531. Mabesad Markas Besar TNI Angkatan Darat Indonesian Army Headquarters
1532. MABIM Majelis Agama Brunei DarussalamIndonesiaMalaysia Brunei DarussalamIndonesiaMalaysia Council of Religion
1533. Madrali MaduraAustrali {crossbreed between a Madurese and Australian cow}
1534. magabut makan gaji buta humor
1535. Mahmilti Mahkamah Militer Tinggi Military High Court
1536. Mahmilub Mahkamah Militer Luar Biasa Extraordinary Military Tribunal
1537. Makodam Markas Komando Daerah Militer Regional Military Command Headquarters
1538. Malari Malapeteka 15 Januari The January 15 Disaster {the antiJapanese riots in Jakarta during Prime Minister Tanaka
1539. Malteng Maluku Tengah Central Moluccas
1540. malu Mantri Kehutanan dan Lurah {the official in charge of forestry and the village head}
1541. Malut Maluku Utara North Moluccas
1542. MAN madrasah aliyah negeri state Muslim senior high school
1543. MANI Masyarakat Anti Nuklir Indonesia AntiNuclear Society
1544. Manikebu Manifesto Kebudayaan Cultural Manifesto {a manifesto issued on 17 August 1963 protesting political interference with the arts and opposed to
1545. Manipol Manifesto Politik Political Manifesto {President Sularno
1546. manula manusia usia lanjut senior citizen {kaum manula = the elderly}
1547. Maperma masa perkenalan mahasiswa tertiarystudent initiation period {same as:
1548. Mapram masa prabakti mahasiswa tertiarystudent initiation period {same as:
1549. Mapras masa prabakti siswa highschool student initiation period
1550. MARA Majlis Amanah Rakyat Council for People