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Operator: Kependekan: Bahasa Indonesia: Bahasa Inggris/Asing: Tag:

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  Kependekan Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Inggris/Asing Tag Catatan
2801. STM Telkom Sekolah Teknologi Menengah Telekomunikasi Telecommunications Technological High School
2802. STMA Sekolah Teknologi Menengah Atas senior technological high school
2803. STMD Surat Tanda Melaporkan Diri Registration Card for (nondiplomatic) Foreign Nationals
2804. STN sekolah teknik negeri state technical high school
2805. STNK Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan Vehical Registration Card
2806. STO 1. Sentral Telepon Otomat; 2. Stasiun Telepon Otomat; 3. Sekolah Tinggi Olahraga 1. Automatic Telephone System; 2. Automatic Telephone Station; 3. =?
2807. STOD satuan telepon otomat digital digital automatic telephone unit
2808. STOVIA School tot Opleiding van Indische Artsen {School for the Training of Indies Physcians (established in 1851), now the University of Indonesia Faculty of Medicine (
2809. STP 1. Surat Tagihan Pajak; 2. 1. Tax Collection Notice; 2. Scientifically Treated Petroleum
2810. STPDN Sekolah Tinggi Pemerintah Dalam Negeri
2811. stranas strategi nasional national strategy
2812. STS space transportation system
2813. STSI Sekolah Tinggi Seni Indonesia Indonesian Arts Academy
2814. STSRD Sekolah Tinggi Seni Rupa dan Desain Academy of Plastic Arts and Design
2815. STT Telkom Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Telekomunikasi Telecommunications Technological College
2816. STTB Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar Certificate of Completion of Studies
2817. STTN Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nasional National College of Technology
2818. STTS Surat Tanda Terima Setoran (tax) payment receipt
2819. SU 1. sidang umum; 2. staf umum; 3. sekretaris umum; 4. Sumatra Utara; 5. sarjana utama 1. general session; 2. general staff; 3. general secretary; 4. North Sumatra; 5. main graduate
2820. SU MPR Sidang Umum Majelis Perwakilan Rakyat General Assembly of the People
2821. subbag subbagian subsection
2822. Subud Susila Budhi Dharma
2823. Sucofindo Superintending Company of Indonesia
2824. SUIK sarana usaha industri kecil smallscale industry facilities
2825. Sukernas Survei Kerja Nasional National Workforce Survey
2826. sukwan sukarelawan volunteer
2827. Sulsel Sulawesi Selatan South Sulawesi
2828. Sulteng Sulawesi Tengah Central Sulawesi
2829. Sultra Sulawesi Tenggara SouthEast Sulawesi
2830. Sulut Sulawesi Utara North Sulawesi
2831. Sumbagsel Sumatra bagian Selatan the southern part of Sumatra {Provinces of Lampung, South Sumatra, Jambi, and Bengkulu}
2832. Sumbagut Sumatra bagian Utara the northern part of Sumatra {Provinces of Aceh, North Sumatra, Riau, and West Sumatra}
2833. Sumbar Sumatra Barat West Sumatra
2834. Sumsel Sumatra Selatan South Sumatra
2835. Sumteng Sumatra Tengah Central Sumatra
2836. Sumtim Sumatra Timur East Sumatra
2837. Sumut 1. Sumatra Utara; 2. Segala Urusan Mesti Uang Tunai; 3. Sopan, Ulet, Menarik, Unggul, dan Takwa 1. North Sumatra; 2. {jocular:} everything has to be settled in cash; 3. {jocular:} courteous, persevering, interesting, excellent, and devoted humor
2838. supas survei penduduk antarsensus intercensal population survey
2839. Supeltas Sukarelawan pengatur lalu lintas Voluntary Traffic Regulators
2840. Supersemar Surat Perintah Sebelas Maret
2841. SUPM Sekolah Usaha Perikanan Menengah Fisheries High School
2842. Supt superintenden superintendent
2843. suratron surat elektronik email {an email letter}
2844. suscados kursus calon dosen lecturer candidate course
2845. SUSI Sekolah Umum Susastra Islam Islam Literature School
2846. suslapa kursus lanjutan perwira officer continuation course (?)
2847. Suspimpemdagri kursus pimpinan pemerintahan dalam negeri Civil Service Leadership Course
2848. susu sumbangan sukarela
2849. susu tante sumbangan sukarela tanpa tekanan
2850. sutemaja susu, telur, madu, dan jahe {a hot drink made of condensed milk, raw eggs, honey, and ginger}