
Lema yang dicari tidak ditemukan, namun berikut adalah data lain yang ditemukan mengenai lema ini.

  Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Asing Kata kunci Bidang Sumber
1. American Standard of Perfection american standard of perfection American; Perfection; Standard; of Peternakan Pusba
2. Association of International Bond Dealers (AIDB) association of international bond dealers (AIDB) AIDB; Association; Bond; Dealers; International; of Keuangan Pusba
3. Konser Eropa; Concert of Europe Concert of Europe Concert; Eropa; Europe; Konser; of Politik Pusba
4. law of blood Ius sangunis blood; law; of Hukum DS
5. law of soil ius soli law; of; soil Hukum DS
6. Lily-of-the-valley Lily-of-the-valley Lily; of; the; valley Farmasi Pusba
7. lintasan Embeden-Meyerh of-Parnas Embden-Meyerh of-Parflas pathway Embeden; Meyerh; Parnas; lintasan; of Biologi Pusba
8. Master of Notarial Science Spesialis Notariat, Magister Kenotariatan, Sp.N Master; Notarial; Science; of *Umum* SM
9. penyerangan Bay of Pigs Bay of Pigs invasion Bay; Pigs; of; penyerangan Politik Pusba
10. sum-of the year digits method sum-of the year digits method digits; method; of; sum; the; year Keuangan Pusba

  • 1 - 10 dari 10 entri

odontoid ~ odontologi ~ odoran ~ Oedipus-kompleks ~ oersted ~ of ~ ofensif ~ oferte ~ ofisial ~ ofset ~ ofset gulungan